
FTC Safeguards Rule Compliance Warning: Don't Let Your Deadline Become Your Downfall


In case you missed it, in June of 2023 FTC released a new Safeguards Rule which mandated specific data security measures for institutions engaged in "significant financial activities" with new laws and fines which impact virtually every business transacting on the planet.

Are you on the hook? You likely are if you:

  • Handle large sums of money
  • Offer loans or credit lines
  • Connect consumers with financial services
  • Facilitate capital access

Ignoring the deadline comes with consequences. We're not talking a slap on the wrist – we're talking hefty fines, reputational ruin, and even legal trouble.

The Risks of Non-Compliance:

  • Financial Penalties: The FTC isn't afraid to hit violators hard. Each infraction can rack up $100,000 fines, with an extra $10,000 for executives. And that's just the start. Daily damages for ongoing violations can add up to a staggering $43,000 per day.
  • Business Crippling Sanctions: Beyond the financial sting, the FTC can enforce crippling injunctions or long-term consent decrees, potentially forcing you to halt parts of your business or even shut down entirely.
  • Shattered Trust: Your brand is built on trust. News of non-compliance can vaporize customer confidence, sending investors and partners fleeing. Years of relationship-building can crumble overnight.
  • Litigation Landmines: Non-compliance is an invitation to lawsuits. Data breaches will trigger a wave of claims, and regulatory audits will become your new normal. In extreme cases, key stakeholders could face criminal charges.

Time to Secure Your Future:

Don't wait for the ax to fall. Proactive compliance is the only way to secure your future. WeSimplifyYourIT.com can help you navigate the Safeguards Rule with:

  • Customizable Security Programs: We tailor solutions to your specific needs and budget, ensuring compliance without breaking the bank.
  • Expert Guidance: Our security specialists demystify the rule and guide you through every step of the implementation process.
  • Continuous Support: We don't disappear after installation. We provide ongoing support and monitoring to ensure lasting compliance.

Don't let the Safeguards Rule deadline become your downfall. Choose security, choose compliance, choose WeSimplifyYourIT.com. Contact us today and let's build your defensible future. Additionally to see if you have any security vulnerabilities, check out our get a free cyberthreat assessment.


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